The World in Which We Occur is an event series co-led by Margarida Mendes and Jennifer Teets, taking place live over the telephone, and formulated around questions addressed by speakers across the world. Embarking on modern day issues rooted in the history of materiality and flux as well as pertinent politically enmeshed scientific affairs shaping our world today, the series’ premise is one of interrogation and epistemic search. The next session in Prague will explore the notion of The Underground.

Confirmed Guests:

  • Anna Tsing – Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Kai Bosworth – Geographer, PhD candidate in Geography at the University of Minnesota
  • Stuart McLean – Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Minnesota

Jennifer Teets is a curator, writer, researcher and performer, living and working in Paris. She is known for her research on cheese, mud, and terrasigillata – their transitioning towards materiality and entity and their ability to become something else when put in an exhibition or an essay. Her research and writing combines inquiry, sciences studies, philosophy, and fiction-critique, and performs as an interrogative springboard for her curatorial practice. She recently exhibited (with Lorenzo Cirrincione) Elusive Earths III at Parallel, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Margarida Mendes is a writer, curator, and educator, living and working in Lisbon. In 2009, she founded the project space The Barber Shop in Lisbon, where she hosts a programme of seminars and residencies dedicated to artistic and philosophical research. Exploring the overlap between cybernetics, philosophy, sciences, and experimental film, her personal research investigates the dynamic transformations of materialism and their impact on societal structures and cultural production. She is interested in exploring alternative modes of education and political resilience through her collaborative practice, programming, and activism. She recently formed part of the curatorial team of the 11th Gwangju Biennale and curated Matter Fictions at Museu Berardo, Lisbon.

In cooperation with FAMU – OpenEye 2016.