Along with the everyday network connection, despite the best Internet security, private becomes public. What is a bigger threat, the hackers or user indiscretion? Discussion on these topics will be held by Trevor Paglen, an American artist and photographer, Ondřej Vlček, Avast CTO; Denisa Kera, a philosopher and designer; and Václav Jánoščík, a philosopher and theorist of art and society in the age of the Internet.
Panel Discussion III
Trevor Paglen, Denisa Kera, Václav Janoščík, Ondřej Vlček
Discussion on these topics will be held by Trevor Paglen, an American artist and photographer, Ondřej Vlček, Avast CTO; Denisa Kera, a philosopher and designer; and Václav Jánoščík, a philosopher and theorist of art and society in the age of the Internet.
2/11/2017 5pm – 8pm